New Joiners Info

We have three rotas for junior doctors: Registrars, SHOs and FY2. Rather than randomly allocating rota lines we ask for you top three choices. Rota slots can be found on the Google Sheet Master Rota (a link to this will be sent to you when you start).

You can find information about the shifts below.

Slot 3 and Slot 6 on the SHO rota are for FY2 doctors. Essentially, the on-calls for slot 3 are shared between two FY2 doctors with FY2 slot 3a and slot 3b. The same applies for slot 6.

When you're ready to pick your rota choices please complete the 'New Joiner Form'. Once we've received everyone's information we'll allocate you a rota line, assign you a CLWrota login and then you can request leave.

It's an 8 week repeating pattern of shifts for the regs and SHOs but a 16 week pattern for the FY2s (sharing the on calls across an SHO 8 week pattern).


Click the titles below to find out what shifts you'll be doing.

'OFF' and 'Duty leave' are both days off from work, they're just called different things for rota compliance rules.

D shifts for all 3 groups are 'normal days' so you would not need to come in on bank holidays and are able to take leave without swapping.

SpR Shifts

"D" shifts are 0800 - 1800

"LD" shifts are 0800 - 2030 - 'on-call' holding the bleep

"N" shifts are 2000-0900 - 'on-call' holding the bleep (there is a registrar and SHO or 2 FY2s on at night)

SHO/FY2 Shifts

D shifts are 0800 - 1800

LD shifts are 0800 - 2030 - 'on-call' holding the bleep

L shifts are 1100-2100. The aim is to support jobs from the ward round, perform some organisational check e.g. airway trolley, help clerk elective post-op patients

N shifts are 2000-0900 - 'on-call' holding the bleep (there is a registrar and SHO or 2 FY2s on at night)

FY2 specific

"sdl" and "sdl pm" Shifts are 'Self directed learning' this can be done from home if you prefer. You will be on duty leave in the mornings of "sdl pm" shifts so there is no requirement to come into work.

"D (rel 1-12)" - A day shift but you are released to go to FY2 teaching between 1000 and 1200


All leave is booked via CLWrota. Until we've allocated your rota and sent you a login, you won't be able to book leave. However, if you've got a significant life event close to your start time then email and include it in the notes section of your 'New Joiner Form' and we'll do our best to allocate your rota and leave accordingly.

How to book leave

All leave is booked through CLWrota. You can do this online or through the app.

Minimum staffing on ICU is 2 SpRs and 2 SHOs - if you're submitting leave with less than 6 weeks notice please check that your request won't leave us short and email the Chelsea ICU Leave email.

If you're on a long day/on-call then it's your responsibility to swap out of the shift if you need to take leave. 

You may see a warning on CLWrota saying the leave pool is full or similar - as a junior doctor, this doesn't apply to you. All leave is reviewed and approved manually so you can ignore those warnings.

Leave entitlement

This will depend on your rota and how long you've worked for the NHS.

  In general:

Less then 5 years in the NHS: 9 days per 4 month rotation / 13.5 days per 6 month rotation

Over 5 years in the NHS: 14.5 days per 6 month rotation


There is a dedicated section of the website explaining the rules for this, as well as some helpful suggestions.

I want to know a bit more about the setup...

We're one of the few groups left still doing this as 'doctor run'. Neither of us are given any extra time to do this. So why not get an administrator to do it?

 - We understand your work and the rota (no more "can you do a long day after your night shift?")

 - We've got a vested interest in making your life better. If rota problems mean you're not happy at work then it makes our lives harder too!

 - It's easier to cope with last minute changes - if you can't make it in to work, don't worry. Particularly if you're unwell please don't come in and spread it to us

On the down side it takes at least a full day for us to input your rotas and ongoing time sorting out swaps and leave. So to make our lives easier and make sure the rota stays as 'doctor run' please do the following:

  - Rota issues and swaps, email: (please don't email me or Dr Sokhi personally)

  - Submit leave requests 6 weeks in advance (via CLWRota), if you need leave with less than 6 weeks notice then please speak to Dr Sokhi (otherwise your request might get missed)

  - Be patient with us! We will both have times when we are post nights or away on leave. While we often do respond, we want to enjoy our time away from work as much as you do!